Sensors For Control And Automation

PowTechnology supplies sensors from over a hundred quality international manufacturers. Our broad expertise covers flow, level, temperature, pressure, vibration, humidity, CO₂, proximity, distance, movement and many more.
We supply into many industries including automotive, food and beverage, chemical, pharmaceutical, paper and packaging, fuel, oil, lubricants, gas and AdBlue, pumping and utilities, flood monitoring, agriculture, environment, waste and recycling, transport and security.
Our extensive experience and expertise means you can come to us with your application and we can guide you through the different options and technologies available.
PowTechnology are particularly proud to have been UK distributor for EGE Elektronik for 30 years! EGE offer high quality flow controllers, infrared, opto and ultrasonic sensors, capacitive proximity switches, light barriers and inductive proximity switches including IO-Link products.
You can find more information through the links above.
How can PowTechnology help you with sensors for factory automation and process control?