
PowTechnology solutions monitor supplier and customer tanks and form the basis of condition monitoring solutions.

PowTechnology works with some of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of lubricants as well as collaborating with customers to develop industry-specific IIoT remote condition monitoring solutions, measuring a range of parameters as well as tank level.

Our lubricant technology can accommodate any shape or size of tank and we can connect a wide range of sensors to the cloud, including temperature and vibration to identify maintenance requirements.

Our Metron telemetry hardware and MetronView platform gives you level data and low-level alerts.

For businesses delivering to multiple lubricant customers there is also Remote Inventory Management/ Vendor Managed Inventory/ VMI, which uses remote level monitoring technology to report level on multiple tanks to cut costs and environmental impact, by planning efficient logistics.

Service and supply contracts can be won by offering customers enhanced service levels eliminating run-outs.

PowTechnology Remote Tank Monitoring System (MetronTMS) is a platform specifically for customers who deliver lubricants and other products to their customers’ tanks in bulk. Learn more about it here.

Please see our Tank Level Monitoring/Vendor Managed Inventory brochure.

How can PowTechnology help you with lubricant distribution and management?

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